Welcome to the University of Florida’s Division of Pediatric Endocrinology. We are an internationally recognized division with a rich history of providing leadership in patient care, education, research and advocacy. Our mission is to improve the lives of children and families affected by diabetes and endocrine disorders.
Our team includes nine UF board-certified pediatric endocrinologists, three certified diabetes educators, two advanced registered nurse practitioners, registered dietitians, pediatric psychologists, and pediatric endocrinology fellows. Given the diverse talents of our team, we are pleased to offer telemedicine services to patients throughout Florida. Through our clinical research enterprise, our providers regularly provide support to patients all over the world. Indicative of these efforts, our division boasts the largest research portfolio of any division in our department.
We also ensure access to providers by training the next generation of academic pediatric endocrinologists. Our fellowship training program has produced many of the thought leaders in our field and provides opportunities to train with world-renowned clinicians and scientists, including past presidents of the Pediatric Endocrine Society and the American Diabetes Association.
The University of Florida Pediatric Endocrinology team is a recognized leader in many areas of pediatric endocrinology. Specifically, our program is an international leader in type 1 diabetes care and research, and we are proud to be the number one recipient of JDRF funding worldwide for the past seven years as well as a major leader in the NIH-funded TrialNet and TEDDY studies. In addition, we are home to the world’s largest and most well-recognized Prader-Willi Program (led by Dr. Jennifer Miller). We also have a Gender Health clinic staffed by two physicians and a psychologist. Finally, we boast a highly personalized and multi-disciplinary Turner Syndrome clinic and a Lipid/Obesity clinic that demonstrates weight loss in high-risk patients.
Collectively, our dedicated staff, trainees and faculty look forward to ensuring we achieve our mission to improve the lives of children and families affected by diabetes and endocrine disorders. I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our exceptional programs, and I welcome you to reach out to me directly if I can ever be of assistance to patients, families or providers in need of support.
All the best,

Michael Haller, MD
Professor and Chief
Silverstein Family Eminent Scholar
University of Florida