Type 1 Diabetes

UF Health provides revolutionary Type 1 diabetes basic science, translational research and patient care. Because our pediatric endocrinologists work hand-in-hand with our basic science colleagues and collaborate with other researchers throughout the nation, we can push the boundaries of diabetes care and achieve success in doing it.

UF Health’s Innovative Discoveries About Type 1 Diabetes

  • Using autoantibody markers to protect individuals at increased risk of Type 1 diabetes
  • Identifying genes associated with genetic susceptibility
  • Defining the physiology of the immune response in Type 1 diabetes
  • Identifying agents suitable for the prevention and reversal of Type 1 diabetes
  • Using innovative media and technology programs to improve diabetes education

Studies and Grants

Type 1 Diabetes Research

Through the Diabetes Institute, the University of Florida offers many studies encompassing a wide range of disciplines and specialties.

What Makes our Program Unique?

Diabetes Staff photo
People with Type 1 Diabetes working to create a better world for people with Type 1 Diabetes
  • Being ranked the No. 1-funded institution globally by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
  • Running the exceptional Florida’s Diabetes Camps each summer at Camp Winona
  • Delivering care via telemedicine appointments; often times this is done directly to a patient’s home
  • Having transition programs for emerging adults with diabetes in collaboration with our adult endocrinology team
  • Using innovative technology, such as advanced pump techniques, continuous glucose sensors, and artificial pancreas access

Diabetes Technology for Pediatric Patients
